Modern Wall Lights

Stylish modern wall lights and contemporary wall lights are the ideal finishing touch in up-to-the-minute homes and design styles. Unlike classic styles, the wall lights in this section feature more minimalist looks and often feature geometric shapes.

Clean lines and neutral colours blend seamlessly with modern homes. Soft curves and bold finishes can also be beneficial in creating a more contemporary look, whilst squares, hexagonal and oval wall lights are becoming more popular.


They may be modern or contemporary, but these wall lights are functional too. Some incorporate a flexible reading light, making them ideal for above a bed. Some are dedicated LED and most will accept LED bulbs, so you can save energy.

Almost all are dimmable, except for some dedicated LED fittings. Some are fitted with a switch and others are not. If you have an existing wall mounted switch, then an unswitched wall light is an option. If there is no wall mounted switch, then a switched version is your best option.

With hundreds of modern and contemporary wall lights in stock, your perfect light could be amongst them. Available in all styles and at discounted prices from Universal Lighting.


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