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Secure Shopping

Payments, Security and Privacy

You can shop with us in absolute confidence. Staff at Universal Lighting Services have no access to your personal financial information. We do not store your card details, and you do not have to create an account to shop with us. We take the privacy and security of your payment and personal details very seriously.

We have selected leading payment providers to ensure that you enjoy a safe and secure online shopping experience. We accept all major cards and process payments through these gateways:

  • NatWest Tyl
  • PayPal
  • MasterCard, American Express, Visa, Maestro, Switch, Visa and Delta, Apple Pay and Google Pay can all be processed via secure payment facilities.

Universal Lighting Services secure payment options logo

  • NatWest Tyl processes your payment on our behalf, securely and quickly online, and accepts every major credit and debit card.
  • PayPal customers need to have an account. Payment is made directly from that account once your purchase has been processed.
  • Payments are made on a secure server and all personal financial information is encrypted to provide the highest levels of security.

Telephone Orders

We do not accept payment for orders over the telephone unless you are a verified previous customer. This is for everyone’s protection, as we are unable to securely store your financial information on our premises. If you are not a previous customer and wish to pay for your order using another method, please call 0151 650 2138 and a member of our customer service team will assist you.

  • We do not store customer’s financial information for your security and our peace of mind.
  • We do not use any of the information you provide for marketing purposes, and we do not share your information with anyone.

Account Security

  • We take your personal information very seriously, and we make sure that you are protected every step of the way.
  • Our site uses high-level SSL encryption technology for all pages. This is the most advanced security software currently available for online security.
  • You can tell our pages are secure as ‘https’ is in front of in your browser address window and a locked padlock is also visible.
  • These high levels of encryption ensure that none of your personal details can be intercepted by anyone.


  • Try to avoid using the same password for all of your online accounts. Multiple passwords are difficult to guess and keep you safer.
  • Always use a mix of upper and lower case letters and numbers. Make it something personal to you so you don’t have to write it down to remember.
  • Avoid using obvious phrases like “password”, your name, phone number or anything else that someone could easily work out.
  • Never write your passwords in a diary or list them on your mobile device, for obvious reasons.


We’re committed to your privacy, and our policy has been recently updated. You can read our full privacy policy by following this link.